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the_martialarm_introduction_to_choy-li-fut [Le 18/05/2013 à 08:28] – created jeannine972the_martialarm_introduction_to_choy-li-fut [Le 18/05/2013 à 15:47] (Version actuelle) – Spam myst6re
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
-The Martialarm Launch To Choy-Li-Fut  
-Choy-Li-Fut is just a popular Southern number of kung-fu in which the competitors oppose from some  distance, which require of each the good and expert development of long-hand  skills, in addition to solid and firm grouning  in the body,  although the legs has to be versatile. The arms are wielded easily  and strongly in a variety of styles: uppercuts, backfists, roundhouses, and overhead foreknuckle  thrusts. Willow leaf double swords,  the Baat Gaw area, and 18 staff can be utilized within the extreme kung-fu variety.  
-As a Southern Shaolin design with Five Animal methods, Hung Kuen is really a close relative of  Choi Lei Fut and is mentioned by some Choi Lei Fut divisions to be the  selection that Chan Yuen-Wu taught creator Chan Heung.  
-Choi Lei Fut is a known as a "soft-hard", "external" variety. The program was designed to ensure that  anti-Qing rebels could possibly concisely achieve probable  effectiveness and still includes a broad array of weapons. A few consistent movements have specific looks  related with them for instance, "sik" when putting blows, "yik" when  pounding from horseback riding posture, "wah" was used when using a Claw and "dik"  when throwing hypothetically so that friendly forces could possibly understand  one another in battle and to force the practitioner to organize his breathing practices with his  movements [[http://www.prweb.com/releases/2013/4/prweb10607382.htm|lloyd irvin]] .  
-Choy Lay Fut education could be done in virtually any town on earth and I call you to go to out fighting styles index of Choy Lay Fut to find  a school near you!  
-According to the department of Choi Lei Fut, Choi Fook is thought to have been a master  both of Southern Shaolin Kung Fu from Fujian province, he was not related to which was commenced by Choi  Gau-Yee and is offered to have the best range of the five major family types of the southern  Chinese martial arts.  
-Lei Yau-San, reported to be always a student of Jee Sin while others admit him to  be always a student of Li Sik Hoi-one of the 5 Ancestors of the Hung Mun, Lei Yau-San is known not merely as a of Chan Heung, and  recently found of Jeung Hung Sing too, but as the founder of Lei Ga which, like Choi Ga, is one of the five  major family types of the southern Chinese martial arts.  
-Fut Ga virtually "Buddha family," focuses primarily on palm  practices and for this reason is also referred to as Buddha  household Palm, Buddhist Palm, or Buddha Palm. Monk Ching Cho Woh Seung was accountable for spreading the Fut Ga  process throughout Guandong. The left and suitable hand are  utilized in attack and defense. Long and short-range work is utilized. 
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